Sunday, August 03, 2008

I'm off to a Workshop with Yuqi Wang

This coming week, Monday through Friday, I will be in Atlanta for a workshop by the internationally renowned master painter, Yuqi Wang. I had seen Yuqi's 2000 grand prize winner at the American Society of Portrait Artists conference in NY and was in awe of it. Last year I met him at the Portrait Society of America conference in D.C. and we spent many hours talking about painting. I am very excited to have this opportunity (he says this will be his last workshop) and promise to report back upon my return. Be sure to click on the link to his site in this paragraph to see his wonderful work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Pat,
What a wonderful way to honor your precious daughter's life. She was a sunflower for sure. The painting is very beautiful. Kerry would have loved this one. Lucinda